East Hills Boys High School

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Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS)

Physical Activity And Sport Studies (PASS)

Physical Activity and Sports Studies represents a broad view of physical activity and the many possible contexts in which individuals can build activity into their lifestyle. It incorporates a wide range of lifelong physical activities, including recreational, leisure and adventure pursuits, competitive and non-competitive games, individual and group physical fitness activities, and the use of physical activity for therapy and remediation.

Recreation, physical activity, sport and related health fields provide legitimate career pathways. This course provides students with a broad understanding of the multifaceted nature of these fields. It also introduces students to valuable and marketable skills in organisation, enterprise, leadership and communication. Students with these skills will be positioned to make a strong contribution to their community as physical activity and sport provides a major context for both voluntary and paid work across Australia.

Physical Activity and Sport Studies Syllabus 2019

Year 9

- Running with the Ball - Oz tag

- Body Systems

- Physical Activity for Health

- Physical Fitness

- Issues in Physical Activity

- Australian Sporting Identity

- The Wide World of Sport

Year 9 PASS Assessment Schedule

Year 10

- Ultimate Frisbess

- Nutrition and Physical Activity

- Coaching

- Technology to Participation and Performance

- Enhancing Performance - Strategies & Techniques

- Physical Acitvity and Sport for Specific Groups

- Resistance Training

Year 10 PASS Assessment Schedule