Design and Technology
Course Description
The study of Design and Technology develops a student’s ability for innovative and creative thought through the planning and production of design projects related to real-world needs and situations. Students investigate existing solutions, analyse data and information, and generate, justify and evaluate ideas. Students experiment with tools, materials and technologies to manage and produce prototypes, products and solutions to identified needs and problems.
What Students Learn
Students learn about the design, production and evaluation of quality designed solutions, processes and the interrelationship of design with other areas of study. They develop an appreciation of the impact of technology on the individual, society and the environment through the study of past, current and emerging technologies. Students also explore ethical and responsible design, preferred futures and innovation through the study of design and the work of designers.
Students undertaking Design and Technology learn to be creative and innovative in the development and communication of solutions. Students learn to identify, analyse and respond to needs through research and experimentation leading to the development of quality design projects. They learn about Work Health and Safety to manage and safely use a range of materials, tools and technologies to aid in the development of design projects. Students critically evaluate their own work and the work of others. Individual design projects provide students with opportunities to develop their project management skills.
Students undertake a range of practical experiences that occupy the majority of course time. Practical experiences allow students to develop skills and confidence in the use of a range of equipment.