Stage 6 English Studies
The English Studies course is designed to provide students with opportunities to become competent, confident and engaged communicators and to study and enjoy a breadth and variety of texts in English. English Studies focuses on supporting students to refine their skills and knowledge in English and consolidate their English literacy skills to enhance their personal, educational, social and vocational lives.
The course is distinctive in its focus on the development of students’ language, literacy and literary skills. It centres on empowering students to comprehend, interpret and evaluate the ideas, values, language forms, features and structures of texts from a range of everyday, social, cultural, academic, community and workplace contexts. It offers comprehensive and contemporary language experiences in the modes of reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing. Students refine these expressive language skills, responding to and composing a wide variety of oral, written and multimodal texts, including literary, digital and media texts.
Students strengthen their ability to access and comprehend information, to assess its reliability, and to synthesise knowledge gained from a variety of sources. Through its structured and focused approach to responding to and composing texts, the English Studies course also provides students with opportunities to develop in and to appreciate the imaginative and affective spheres and to recognise how texts convey, interpret and reflect ways of thinking about oneself and the world.
The English Studies course also provides diverse approaches to texts so that students may become flexible and critical thinkers, capable of engaging with, understanding and appreciating the variety of cultural heritages and differences that make up Australian and global societies. It also encourages the continued development of skills in literacy, individual and collaborative processes and reflective learning. Such skills form the basis of investigation and analysis required for the world of work, as well as post-school training and education.