Commerce provides the knowledge, skills, understanding and values that form the foundation on which young people make sound decisions on consumer, financial, business, legal and employment issues. It develops in students an understanding of commercial and legal processes and competencies for personal financial management. Through the study of Commerce students develop financial literacy which enables them to participate in the financial system in an informed way.
Central to the course is the development of an understanding of the relationships between consumers, businesses and governments in the overall economy. Through their investigation of these relationships, students develop the capacity to apply problem-solving strategies which incorporate the skills of analysis and evaluation. Students engage in the learning process which promotes critical thinking, reflective learning and the opportunity to participate in the community.
To function competently in our democratic and pluralistic society, students need to develop the ability to research information, evaluate options, and participate in collaborative decisionmaking within the commercial and legal framework and acquire the necessary skills to become self-directed lifelong learners.
Commerce provides for a range of learning styles and experiences that suit the interests and needs of all students. It emphasises the potential and use of information and communication technologies. Students gain greater competence in problem-solving and decision-making by evaluating the range of consumer, financial, business, legal and employment strategies. In examining these they also develop attitudes and values that promote ethical behaviour and social responsibility and a commitment to contribute to a more just and equitable society
Commerce Stage 5 Syllabus (PDF, 379kbs)