STAGE 4 English (Years 7 and 8)
By the end of Stage 4 students respond to a variety of texts critically, imaginatively and interpretively and compose accurate, clear and coherent texts. They use English in personal, social and learning contexts with increasing control and understanding of the form and features of language and structures of texts, and with increasing awareness of purpose, audience and context. Students make connections between texts, they recognise the main ideas and points of view, and the ways in which texts seek to position responders. They make decisions about whether content and language are appropriate to purpose, audience and context.
In speaking, writing and representing, students shape meaning through the thoughtful selection and ordering of appropriate content and by drawing on a widening repertoire of language choices. They can express a personal point of view, give words and images to their imaginings and compose logical argument. They experiment with form and language in different modes and technologies to produce various types of texts for specific purposes. As appropriate, they plan, draft and edit to produce polished texts.
Students apply their knowledge of textual features and conventions to their texts. They constructively analyse and evaluate their own and others’ compositions and they articulate their response to texts and to the process and experience of composing. Students reflect on their learning, becoming aware of how they learn and identifying what they have learned, effective ways to learn and what they need to learn next.
Students who have achieved Stage 4 respond to literary and other texts for enjoyment and to expand their perspectives on their own lives. They engage with images of their real and imagined worlds and explore the relationship between them. They explore texts critically, evaluating content, differentiating between fact and opinion, challenging points of view and identifying, considering and appreciating cultural expressions. They respond to imagery and symbolism in verbal and visual forms. They engage with print, film and digital texts with an informed awareness of the language forms and features and structures of those texts. Students develop personal preferences in what they hear, read and view, and are able to articulate their preference in personal and critical responses.